Test and Automation Systems

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Test & Automation Systems

For every testing assignment

Requirements for modern products are always growing. And this now affects almost every industrial sector: With ever-increasing construction size, an ever-greater number of functions will be implemented.

This means the requirements for suitable testing systems for those products are increasing as well. With increasing product complexity, the tester must be able to perform more complex and diverse testing steps.

We meet that requirement. Through our modular system UTP – Universal Tester Platform, our flexible testing systems and equipment can be easily adapted to product changes, new standards, and new series.

Regardless of the production stage. We ensure the quality of your products.

From the development to the end-of-line test, we design customized testing systems for you. Here you’ll find a sample selection of our numerous testing solutions.


One of our core competencies: the validation of your new products. Reliably ensure that your ideas are
ready for the market.


Various environmental conditions, changing temperatures, fluctuating loads. Our simulations help you discover failures and faults early on.


Board-Level Test

Verify, calibrate, flash, package … Tests on the board-level require testing systems that can manage various tasks effectively—even simultaneously. We’ll find your solution.


Ultimately, only one thing counts: The functionality of your product. Our testing systems deliver precise results. Guaranteed. For your best quality.