Quality Management

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High-quality and sustainable

We’ll meet your quality requirements

Structure workflows – reliable systems

Our careful quality management not only meets applicable national and international standards, it also ensures our own processes and makes sure our innovative products and systems are of high, sustainable quality. Regular audits, including by our customers, confirm the security and reliability of our structured process sequences. Our highest priority is for our reliable testing and automation systems to meet your high quality demands and for your products to be tested and found absolutely error-free. Just as you would like it.

Entered & confirmed


Our successful quality management and the process sequences at NOFFZ that are audited and certified by experts fulfil the CSIA and DIN EN ISO 9001 standards. And we’ll meet any guidelines such as RoHS, which regulates the use of hazardous substances in electronic devices.

Certificate CSIA 

Zertifikat CSIA

Certificate CSIA

Certificate ISO 9001:2015

Certificate ISO 14001:2015

Certificate RSCI

Zertifikate: RSCI

Certificate RSCI

We’re proud of it

Awards received

We are innovative through and through – in our thoughts and in our actions. This makes us able to react as quickly as possible to the constant innovations of various industrial sectors and meet new challenges creatively with forward-looking solutions.

This means we’re especially proud of our awards. They show that our development work and expertise have been appropriately honored and acknowledged in the market.